Même le site d'Ali Amar a mordu l'hameçon

Au Maroc, l’audace du Makhzen au moment de distiller des mensonges est incommensurable. En particulier lorsqu’il s’agit des informations concernant le dossier du Sahara Occidental. 
Dans une guerre médiatique qu’ils ménent à fond espérant garder la mainmise sur les ressources stratégiques sahraouies, les autorités marocaines n’hésitent pas à véhiculer les désinformations les plus absurdes. Le soutien de la Russie au Maroc au Conseil de Sécurité en est un exemple. Même Le Desk, le site d’Ali Amar y a cru. 
La Russie semble avoir pris des mesures pour mettre en exergue sa position sur la question du Sahara Occidental. Autant le Kremlin que l’agence d’information russe Interfax ont rapporté la communication téléphonique entre Mohammed VI et Vladimir Putin. Dans leur dépêches, il n’y a aucune trace du prétendu soutien russe à la position marocaine. 
Communiqué du Kremlin sur la communication :
Phone conversation with King of Morocco Mohammed VI
Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with King of Morocco Mohammed VI, upon the Moroccan sides initiative.
The two leaders had an in-depth discussion of joint efforts to implement the results of the King of Moroccos visit to Russia in March 2016, stressing their interest in further developing bilateral cooperation in all key areas.
Certain current issues on the international and regional agendas were also touched upon, with a focus on resolving the situation in Western Sahara. Vladimir Putin noted in particular the importance of further collective efforts under the auspices of the UN in the interest of securing a fair, durable and mutually acceptable political resolution of the Western Sahara problem.
Dépêche de l’agence Interfax
Putin, Moroccan King discuss cooperation, settlement of situation around Western Sahara
MOSCOW. April 12 (Interfax) – Russian President Vladimir Putin has had a telephone conversation with Moroccan King Mohammed VI, at the initiative of the Moroccan side, the Kremlin press service said on Tuesday.
« The national leaders have discussed in detail the joint efforts on implementation of the results of the official visit of Moroccan King to Russia, that took place in March, 2016. The parties stressed an interest in the further enhancement of the bilateral cooperation in all principal directions, » the press service said in a release.
Besides, the two leaders touched on some hot topics on the international and the regional agenda, with an emphasis on the settlement of the situation around Western Sahara. « Vladimir Putin emphasized, in particular, that it is very important to make further collective efforts under the aegis of the UN, in order to achieve a just, long-term and mutually agreeable political solution to the Western Saharan problem, » the Kremlin said.
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