Morocco Leaks : Rabat opposes Egypt’s leadership of Anna Lindh Foundation

This Directorate proposes not to rule in favor of Egypt's candidacy, until clear support is formulated by the majority of the Foundation's member countries, and to favorably examine the possibility of presenting a Moroccan candidacy for the Executive Directorate of the Foundation, an option strongly recommended by its President, Mr. Andrey Azoulay.

Morocco considers Anna Lindh Foundation leadership bid amid Egypt concerns, Europe favors Moroccan or Tunisian Candidate

Kingdom of Morocco
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Directorate of PUE and Mediterranean Processes

28 May 2014

Note for the Attention of the Minister

Subject: Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF)/Egyptian Candidacy for the Position of Executive Director

I have the honor to inform the Minister that, within the framework of the change in governance of the ALF (Presidency and Executive Directorate), occasioned by the end of the mandates of Mr. André Azoulay and Mr. Andreu Claret, during the 2nd semester of this year, the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States (SG LA) has just informed the Arab member states of the official candidacy of Egypt for the position of Executive Director of this institution.

It should be noted that, in accordance with the Foundation’s statutes, the Presidency of the ALF should pass to a country from the North, while the Executive Directorate and the Chair of the Council (BoG) should pass to a country from the South Bank.

The approach of the SG of the LA follows the announcement made by Egypt at the last meeting of the Board of Governors of the ALF in Barcelona, ​​on April 8, 2014.

The Egyptian candidacy elicits the following comments:

The Egyptian candidacy, formulated before the launch of the call for expressions of interest, reflects a desire to position itself to block the passage of possible Arab candidacies, especially since the SG of the LA wishes to have a response before June 3, 2014, the date of the 45th meeting of the Council of Governors of the ALF;

The profile of the Egyptian candidate, former cultural advisor at the Egyptian Embassy in Paris and Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Culture, reflects this country’s desire to confine the ALF to its sole cultural vocation;

The Egyptian candidacy stems from a desire by this country to lock down the functioning of the ALF because of its concerns regarding its relationship with civil society;

European countries, aware of the Egyptian motivations, intend not to support this candidacy. This position is expected to be reinforced by the evolution of the political situation in Egypt and the questioning of the legitimacy of its new President;

This position was entrusted to me by the President of the Board of Governors of the ALF, the Slovenian Ambassador Véronika Stabej, as well as by the Chief of Staff of the European Commissioner, Stefan File, during his last visit to Morocco, who declared that a Moroccan or Tunisian candidacy would be highly desirable;

A takeover of the ALF by Egypt would condemn its future. Egypt, which opposes the guidelines of Phase IV (2015-2017), would be inclined to freeze most of the ALF’s programs, which would push the EU to minimize its funding of this institution;

It should be noted that, according to the information gathered, other Arab countries, notably Tunisia, would also be interested in this position.

In view of the foregoing, this Directorate proposes not to rule in favor of Egypt’s candidacy, until clear support is formulated by the majority of the Foundation’s member countries, and to favorably examine the possibility of presenting a Moroccan candidacy for the Executive Directorate of the Foundation, an option strongly recommended by its President, Mr. Andrey Azoulay.

Very high consideration.

Director of Europe and Mediterranean Processes

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#Morocco #Egypt #AnnaLindhFoundation #Tunisia #AndréAzoulay

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