Senegal: Lawless elites in thrall to Moroccan money

The revelations of the French hacker of the DGSE acting under the pseudonym of Chris Coleman have brought to light elements that have highlighted a scandalous reality concerning the Senegalese elites: in the country of Teranga, it is less morality and the sense of public good that matter than the good desire to fill one’s pockets even through petty operations.

It’s no secret that corruption and begging are common and tolerated practices in Senegal, where all means of obtaining money have become « halal. » Senegalese leaders no longer hesitate to use any scheme to make their fortune. The decline of virtue is now a scourge among them.

It’s worth wondering whether the new leaders, known for their Pan-Africanist leanings, will change the situation by introducing a plan to moralize political life.

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Tidiane Gadio is also an informant for the DGED, the Moroccan secret services who brought their scanners to secure this Forum, from which Gadio would later be removed by his former subordinate, Mankeur Ndiaye.

In a letter from the Moroccan ambassador in Dakar, Mankeur Ndiaye unfairly fights against the man who was his friend, but above all his boss at the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Cheikh Tidiane Gadio.

Former minister proposes ‘confidential meeting’ with Moroccan spy

Invited to visit Morocco, a former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cheikh Tidiane Gadio in this case, he suggests, if his hosts wish « a confidential meeting » to, thus, « travel to Morocco only with his security assistant. » His Excellency is ready to empty his stomach of any information that could interest the Moroccan authorities as OIC Special Envoy for the Central African Republic, but also as responsible for the organization of the Dakar Forum on Peace and Security decided at the Paris Summit which brought together France and Africa on October 10 and 11, 2014.

Moha Ouali Tagma, then director of the African Division of the Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, suggested asking Gadio the following questions:

The document speaks for itself, as the terms are so virulent, revealing the baseness of the head of Senegalese diplomacy, who, himself, was not spared by the Moroccan Wikileaks.

In the standoff between Mankeur Ndiaye and Cheikh Tidiane Gadio, it seems that the former has won the game since he obtained Gadio’s dismissal from the Dakar International Forum on Peace and Security in Africa.

2012 Presidential Election: Niasse spoke with a foreign secret agent

A confidential letter from the Moroccan secret service, the DGED, reveals that Moustapha Niasse, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, exchanged information on the progress of the 2012 presidential election with a senior officer of the DGED, the Moroccan secret service, Abdelmalek Alaoui.

After the elections, he was elected president of the Senegalese National Assembly. Like a good servant, he warned his masters in Rabat.

Email Transcription:

Subject: My appointment as future President of the National Assembly of Senegal, effective July 1, 2012

My dear Abdelmalek,

God, in His omnipotence, remains the Master of the world.

Two days ago, President Macky Sall asked me to assist him in finalizing the list of 150 regular and alternate candidates that the Coalition Bennoo Bokk Yaakaar (Uniting in Hope), our coalition that he leads and of which I am Vice-President, is presenting to the Senegalese people for election on July 1, 2012.

He asked me to lead this list and, consequently, to accept, at the end of this single-round ballot, to be, for a 5-year term, the President of the new National Assembly of 150 parliamentarians. I have just given him my agreement. May I ask you to bring this situation to the attention of our Great Friend?

We will begin the electoral campaign, and from this Saturday, May 5, the pre-campaign in the 45 electoral districts covering the 14 regions of Senegal.

Obviously, this position will give me new and delicate responsibilities, alongside the new Head of State, as Head of the Legislature, with all the planned reforms.

I could not refuse President Macky’s request, as it is a great mark of confidence. Together we led the second-round election campaign in March, and I have always supported him since he joined the opposition, having been his sponsor for four years.

Thank you for your response.
Moustapha Niasse.

Macky Sall: The King of Corruption

All these unfortunate events took place during the presidency of Macky Sall, Morocco’s Servant-in-Chief. His residence in Marrakech speaks volumes about his relationship with the kingdom, which also managed to corrupt prominent figures in France, Spain, and the European Parliament. The waves of the Moroccogate (Qatargate) scandal still reverberate in Brussels.

As the Senegalese parliament has just approved a law allowing Senegalese prisoners in Morocco to be extradited to their home country to serve their sentences, and vice versa, Macky Sall’s name is dominating the local press. He is accused by the Court of Auditors of fiddling with the national treasury figures. As a result, the public deficit is higher than reported. Senegal’s rating has been downgraded as a result.

His stay in a luxury villa in Marrakech risks ending if the new authorities request his extradition.

For some time now, several figures from the former Senegalese regime have been banned from leaving the country. The latest is Mansour Faye, a former minister and brother-in-law of former President Macky Sall. The current mayor of Saint-Louis revealed on his Facebook page that he was prevented from traveling to Mecca last Monday.

Macky Sall’s brother, Aliou, has been accused by the BBC of taking bribes in the awarding of two oil and gas fields. At the time, Aliou Sall was an employee of businessman Franck Timis, who secured the concessions off Senegal’s coast.

The list being long, it is a safe bet that the atmosphere could become very heated in Senegal.

#Morocco #WesternSahara #MankeurNdiaye #MoustaphaNiasse #CheikhTidianeGadio #MackySall #AfricanUnion #Bribes #Corruption

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