Keywords: Sao Tomé, Morocco, $1 million, Lusophone Countries Summit, Brazil, Portugal
From: Moha Tagma
Date: 24/11/2013 21:06 (GMT+00:00)
To: Salaheddine Mezouar
Cc: Mbarka Bouaida
Subject: Morocco-Sao Tomé and Principe Cooperation
I have the honor to inform you that, on the sidelines of the Arab-African Summit in Kuwait, the Head of Government held discussions with the Prime Minister of Sao Tomé and Principe, at the latter’s request.
During this meeting, which mainly focused on the relations between the two countries — which are, moreover, excellent — and on strengthening these ties, the Prime Minister of Sao Tomé and Principe expressed his government’s wish to use the financial aid provided by Morocco ($1 million USD) for the preparation of the Lusophone Countries Summit (CPLP), which Sao Tomé plans to host soon.
The Sao Toméan Prime Minister proposed that $500,000 be used for the acquisition of vehicles. He added that his government intended, unless we object, to purchase these vehicles from Dubai due to the highly competitive prices in that Emirate.
He also proposed that the remaining $500,000 be used to acquire equipment (uniforms and various supplies) for the security services from Portuguese companies.
The Head of Government promised to forward this request to the Minister of Foreign Affairs for review, while emphasizing that it was entirely normal for Morocco to support friendly countries.
The CPLP is an organization that brings together all Lusophone countries. Our country had submitted a request to obtain Observer Status within this organization, which is dominated by Brazil and Portugal.
Highest regards,

#Morocco #SaoTome #LusophoneCountriesSummit #Brazil #Portugal
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