The Moroccan Ambassador to Ghana, H.E. Mrs. Nesha Alaoui M’HAMMDI, reportedly snubbed Ghana’s immigration authorities at Kotoka International Airport (KIA) on September 1, 2014. Upon arriving via Air Maroc at 5:45 AM, she expressed dissatisfaction with the diplomatic transport vehicle assigned to her and refused to follow standard immigration procedures, including passport verification and stamping. Witnesses described her actions as disrespectful and a potential diplomatic concern. Hours later, she sent her driver to get her passport stamped. The incident has raised security concerns, with Ghanaian authorities reportedly taking steps to address the matter.

Accra, September 9, 2014
Recipients: Cabl, Cab2.
Transmission: Confidential
Distribution: Restricted
Subject: Electronic Press / False Allegations
I have the honor to inform you that the electronic press site Ghanaweb published in its edition yesterday an article (copy attached) relating to inaccurate and unfounded facts about my arrival on September 2nd at Accra airport.
It should be emphasized in this regard that I was surprised to discover upon my arrival that the vehicle made available to the Embassy by the Ghanaian Protocol and in which an Embassy official was on board, had been diverted and used by a passenger on the same flight, under the helpless gaze of the Protocol driver. Faced with this situation, I preferred to return to the airport lounge on foot, accompanied by my family and the Embassy official. Furthermore, I reported what happened the day after tomorrow to the Head of Protocol at the airport, who apologized. Following yesterday’s publication of the aforementioned article and shocked by its content, I contacted the Deputy Director of Ghanaian Protocol, who expressed her surprise and emphasized that the airport had not notified her of any incident or malfunction. She further concluded that this electronic site is known for publishing articles ‘on demand’.
In this regard, she suggested that if this Mission deems it appropriate, to transmit a Note Verbale to Foreign Affairs requesting that an internal investigation be conducted within the immigration services to define the source of these allegations.
Upon examination of these facts, as well as the biased nature of the article, it seems highly probable that this trivial event has been distorted, magnified, and reported to the sensationalist press for malicious purposes, with the aim of harming the image of the Ambassador.
It should be recalled in this regard that the passenger who used the vehicle assigned to the Embassy and followed the course of my arrival is a Ghanaian-Egyptian national, married to a Moroccan national, and who has recently been denied visa applications for an Egyptian businessman for whom he acted as an intermediary.
The person concerned, a businessman by profession, but with connections to security and immigration services, presented himself, upon my arrival in Ghana last year, as a resource person, available to provide his support to any undertaking that the Embassy would like to carry out. However, it quickly became apparent that this person was aiming, through his proximity to the Embassy, at influence peddling and intermediation for unknown purposes.
The attempt to interfere in commercial negotiations during the arrival of the Addoha Group, the intermediation for visas in favor of people who do not meet the conditions, or who need to travel urgently to Morocco, are all illustrations of unhealthy behavior and reasons that led to his being excluded from the Embassy.
Also, and in view of these malicious attempts to tarnish the image of this Mission and its representative, I submit to the Department’s assessment the opportunity to transmit a Note Verbale of denial to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as a request for a right of reply to the electronic press site Ghanaweb.
Moroccan Ambassador snubs KIA immigration
Monday, 8 September 2014 Source: Kojo Hadjor
This may sound unpalatable to the year yet true that the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco in Ghana H.E Mrs. Nesha Alaoui M’HAMMDI blatantly despised Ghana’s immigration authorities at the prestigious Kotoka International Airport (KIA) when she refused to go through formalities.
The ambassador who had arrived at the KIA about 5:45am on 1st September 2014 via air Maroc expressed her fury at the protocol officers right on the tarmac questioning the rationale behind her being picked up with one of the flushed urvan vehicles used to pick diplomats and other distinguished personalities including Diplomats.
According to sources at the KIA it is characteristic of the Moroccan ambassador to Ghana anytime she flew in. As if expressing her displeasure at the vehicle which was used to pick her and others at the tarmac, Mrs. Nesha Alaoui M’HAMMDI publicly ignored laid down processes of tendering your passport for verification and subsequent stamping of it to indicate your presence in Ghana.
Sources at the VIP said « no amount of plea by the immigration officers caught the eye of the furious looking diplomats » she left in haste to sit in her waiting official car and drove off in total disrespect and disregard of both due procedure and the workers at the VIP lounge to the total awe and utter surprise by onlookers. »
This attitude shown by the Moroccan ambassador is despicable and condemnable. How dare any Ghanaian to go to Rabat or Casablanca to behave as such. Her consistent show of disregard to the rules of the land leaves much to be desire and has the potential of cracking the good relationship between Accra and Casablanca.
The sources said the Moroccan ambassador after satisfying her ego many hours later sent her driver to present her passport to the VIP immigration for it to be stamped. What prompted the ambassador the way she did on that fateful day? The act was not only shameful but a threat to our security for a foreign diplomat to have flouted the country’s laws with such impunity.
This is not an issue to be swept under the carpet. Ghana is a sovereign state and should be respected as such. At the time of going to press our sources at the foreign ministry had hinted that immediate steps have been taken to call the ambassador to order. is following this development and will bring you further details as it unfolds.
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#Accra #Ghana #Maroc #Morocco #Diplomacy #Press #News #Allegations #Ambassador #Ghanaweb #Airport #Immigration #Politics #Africa #Visa #NoteVerbale #KotokaInternationalAirport #Corruption #Media #Scandal #WestAfrica
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