Morocco Leaks : Morocco’s withdrawal of confidence from Ross pushed US to talk on human rights in Western Sahara

A closed-door meeting between a Minister Delegate and the US Ambassador on April 10th, 2013, revealed the US’s plan to push for a Human Rights monitoring mechanism in the MINURSO mandate for the Sahara, covering both the Moroccan Sahara and Tindouf camps. This move, influenced by the Secretary General’s report, Kerry Kennedy’s visit, and perceived Moroccan resistance, is causing significant friction and advising Morocco against resisting it publicly, opting instead for private consultations.

Internal Meeting Report: US Ambassador on upcoming Sahara Resolution

The Minister Delegate held a closed-door confidential meeting with US Ambassador, Samuel Kaplan, on April 10th 2013. Discussions concerned the upcoming Security Council Resolution on the Sahara and MINURSO, and the new propositions to be introduced to the text.

In light of the upcoming Security Council MINURSO consultations that are to be held on April 22nd, the US Ambassador notified the Minister Delegate of the new changes the US Delegation at the UN wishes to adapt to the MINURSO mandate. The US Delegation is planning to push forward a proposition which aims to introduce a monitoring mechanism to the MINURSO mandate and that will be carried out by an independent third party. This monitoring mechanism will monitor Human Rights conditions in both the Moroccan Sahara and the camps of Tindouf. For reasons of disclosure, the US ambassador indicated that he only had knowledge of the US being the only country pushing this forward.

The US Ambassador clarified that there has been enough evidence on Human Rights issues in the Sahara that have lead to this decision, in addition to it still being a pending unresolved issue. The newly released Secretary General Report on the Sahara included newly added Human Rights language that differs from the previous report. Additional lines have been added to paragraphs 115-116 of the report that have not been included in paragraphs 106 of last years report. In addition, large influences from Kerry Kennedy’s report on her visit to Laayoune and a new Secretary of State have added to the decision. Kerry Kennedy’s (RFK Foudation) visit has unexpectedly caused a larger effect on US decision makers than initially intended by the US Ambassador. Moreover, the US Ambassador confessed that unhappy feelings from Morocco’s withdrawal of confidence from Christopher Ross, UN Secretary General’s Personal Envoy for the Sahara, may have motivated the US’s change in approach. The US’s decision of pushing forward this Human Rights monitoring mechanism is very firm, and it will lead Morocco no where attempting to talk to the US Delegation in New York.

In the spirit of friendship that ties the two together, the US Ambassador advised Morocco to not resist this call, and to avoid dragging the case in public, and to contain the story from leaking to the press and official Press Agency (MAP). The sound thing to do, according to the Ambassador, would be to talk to the Moroccan allies at the Security Council, who will likely be angered by the news themselves, and have the Human Rights monitoring mechanism be carried out by the current MINURSO team in place, rather than an independent third party.

The Minister Delegate stated having predicted such a human rights aspect in the upcoming resolution, but is surprised to know that the US delegation will be pushing forward a proposition. According to the US Ambassador, no formal wording of the proposition is available, but will be made public on April 22nd at the Security Council consultations. Continuing on the human rights issue, the Minister Delegate put forward the many irreversible advancements of Morocco in this domain, including the Gdeim Izik trial and King Mohammed VI’s endorsements of the recommendations made by CNDH on the use of military courts, the CNDH and its role in Moroccan Human Rights promotion, as well as the UN Special Procedures. Furthermore, the Minister Delegate expressed the irritation that Morocco feels due to the continued penalization it receives, regardless of the continued efforts it displays. To this statement, the US Ambassador wished to explain the international perception, indicating that Morocco does not have an ‘independent’ Human rights aspect in any of its endeavours, hence the reason for the monitoring mechanism proposition.

The US Ambassador understands that Morocco may be thrown back by such news, and may choose to adapt a “let them come” speech, but advises against such actions. Such a position may be perceived as ‘arrogant’ and ‘defying’. Rather, the issue is to be handled with tact and care, opting for discussions and consultations to arrive to a final proposition that will not undermine the advancements Morocco has already made on this issue. The positive side, according to the US Ambassador, of such a human rights monitoring is the inclusion of the camps of Tindouf in the monitoring mechanism that will play in favour of Morocco. To this, the Minister Delegate clearly mentioned that such an addition to the MINURSO mandate is a bonus for Algeria and a penalization for Morocco.

The news of the US’s Human Rights monitoring mechanism introduction will be announced in New York, today, April 10th 2013, at 2:30 pm local time, at which point Moroccan UN Ambassador, Mohamed Loulichki will receive the US delegation. Hence, the component of confidentiality is important.

Destinataires : Monsieur le Ministre
Monsieur le Secrétaire Général
Monsieur le Directeur des Nations Unies
Monsieur le Directeur des Questions Globales
Madame le Directeur des Affaires Américaines
Mission Permanente de New York
Ambassadeur de Sa Majesté le Roi à Washington

#Sahara #MINURSO #UNSecurityCouncil #HumanRights #Morocco #WesternSahara #TindoufCamps #USDelegation #KerryKennedy #ChristopherRoss #UN #InternationalRelations #Diplomacy #MonitoringMechanism #GlobalAffairs #PoliticalNews #UnitedNations

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