“Does the Jewish lobby really control the decisions of the United States?”

Tags : United States, jewish lobby, holocaust, economical lobby, Israël, Palestine, Hamas, Gaza,

Everyone knows that today’s global economic and political system is under the heavy influence of the capital groups of the Jewish lobby. The Jewish lobby has political and financial influence around the world. . . But does the Jewish lobby have the power to control the decisions of the United States? “And where does the power of this Jewish lobby come from?”.

1.- The power of the Jews in the United States of America: “If I were a Jew, I would be a Zionist.” These words belong to the current US President, Joe Biden. In 1986, Biden said the following: “If there was no state called Israel, the United States would have created one state to achieve its interests in the region.” These statements alone show how intertwined Jews and the United States are. _Jews constitute 3% of the population of the United States, with a population of 7 million people. But their sphere of influence is much higher than that. The Jews, especially their economic power, directly guide US policies. The great financial support given to candidates in the elections and their promotion of media power is provided by the Jews. In one Washington Post report, she said that “the Democratic presidential candidates depend on the Jews, who provide them with 60% of the money.” One of the words of former US President Kennedy was: “I know that I was elected thanks to the votes of American Jews. I owe them my election.”

2.- Israel is the only country that has received the largest amount of annual direct economic and military aid from the United States since 1976. _As of October 2023, the United States has provided a total of $158 billion to Israel in aid and military funding. The United States gives Israel an average of $3 billion annually. . “Americans of Jewish origin have established a series of associations whose goal is to determine the course of United States foreign policy. The most famous and powerful of these associations is the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). AIPAC was founded in 1951 and is headquartered in Washington. AIPAC’s first name was the Council. American Zionist The purpose of the organization, which was renamed AIPAC in 1959, was briefly stated as “to support policies that strengthen and expand the relationship between the United States and Israel in a manner that will increase the security of the United States and Israel.” AIPAC directs donations to politicians By carefully monitoring who votes and how votes are done in the House and Senate on issues related to Israel and announcing this on its official website. Douglas Bloomfield, a former member of the Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), says that “AIPAC is called upon to legislate, advise, It has the power to cast votes.” “We cannot have a policy toward Israel here other than what the Israel Public Affairs Committee conceived for us,” says Ernest Hollings, a former Democratic senator. _In 1906, the American Jewish Committee (AJC) was founded by “German Jews” who had emigrated To America in the 1830s. The goals of the American Jewish Committee are; Raise awareness of Israel among the American public, support the protection of the identities of Jews living in the United States, and defend Jewish rights against all types of human rights violations. When Israel’s defenders come under intense pressure, they claim that criticism of Israel constitutes « a new wave of anti-Semitism. » In other words, according to Jewish lobbyists, anyone who criticizes Israel is an anti-Semite. The United States, which unconditionally supported Israel for many years under the influence of Jewish lobby groups, enabled Israel’s expansion into the occupied territories. The United States is complicit in the Israeli occupation and the massacres committed against the Palestinians. The United States tries to limit nuclear armaments, but turns a blind eye to Israel’s nuclear arsenal.

3.- There are many officials in the United States who work with Jewish lobby groups and have become in sensitive positions in the United States, from the media to local politics, and from ministries to intelligence services. “Some names of Jews who also hold senior positions in the United States” – US Secretary of State Antony Blinken – Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen – Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas – State Department Spokeswoman Wendy Sherman – Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines – Attorney General Merrick Garland – Secretary of State For Political Affairs, Victoria Nuland – Eric Lander, Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy – White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain – CIA Director David Cohen. “As for the media institutions that are subject to the control of the Jewish lobby because of their owners.” CNN and its presidents David Levy and Jeff Zucker CNBC and its president Bob Greenblatt – The New York Times by Ochs Sulzberger, The Times – The Washington Post run by the Meyer Grahams family. _ CBS by Summer Rothstein, _ ABC by Bob Iger, _ ABC by Ben Sherwood, _ ABC News by James Goldstone. In addition to FOX, the British Guardian, the British BBC, run by Danny Cohen, and The Economist, run by Eli Goldstein.

4.- The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and its enormous power – The League was founded in the United States of America in 1913 by the independent B’nai B’rith organization, which is known as “the oldest Jewish service organization in the world.” The Anti-Defamation League’s stated mission is « to put an end to slander against the Jewish people by appealing to reason, conscience, and, if necessary, the law. » The Anti-Defamation League is considered a staunch supporter of Zionism. B’nai B’rith, which founded the Anti-Defamation League, awards gold medals to statesmen who have « dedicated themselves to the well-being of the Jewish people and the State of Israel. » – Presidents who received B’nai B’rith Medals – John F. Kennedy, George H.W. Bush, Austrian Chancellor Franz Frantzky, and Australian Prime Minister John Howard – As for the Human Rights Section of the Anti-Defamation League, the goal they set for it is « to discover and expose anti-Semitism and intolerance not only in The United States, but all over the world.” They also collect and analyze anti-Semitic information according to their point of view. _ If you think that the “ADL” organization works alone, you are wrong. ADL has many subsidiaries and collaborators. Such as: AIPAC, National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Hudson Institute, Middle East Forum, World Affairs Council, Asian Society including the Kurdish Institute of Washington, Open Society Institute, World Bank, Reserve System Federal Reserve, New York and America. The Chicago Chambers of Commerce, the American Standards Institute, and the National Economic Council – and cooperates with AIPAC and the presidents of the best American universities, including Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Penn State, California, Stanford, and others. -Imagine any influential person criticizing the Israeli genocide in Gaza. Currently being accused of anti-Semitism by the Anti-Defamation League.

5.- “As for those who know about the power of the Jewish lobby and its influence on international brands, it will not be surprising that commercial companies have flocked to support Israel recently. For example, the major companies that support Israel” – Starbucks, owned by Christopher Herman Schultz, an American of Jewish origin. The company donates to the Israeli army in Certain periods of time. Furthermore, Starbucks silences pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel voices within the company. For example, Starbucks announced that it would file a lawsuit against the union called the Starbucks Workers Union because it shared a message of solidarity with Palestine. After the war on Gaza… it was revealed In American forums, Starbucks employees have been subjected to serious harassment in connection with their advocacy for the Palestinian cause. Starbucks, which promotes the protection of nature by bidding farewell to paper cups, not only turns a blind eye to the shooting of civilians in Gaza with phosphorus bombs, but openly supports it – McDonald’s, a major partner For the United Jewish Fund, and has strong ties to Israel, McDonald’s has been providing free, unlimited food to Israeli soldiers committing genocide in Gaza since October 7. In addition, the company imposes disciplinary penalties on its employees if they support the Palestinian cause. Any McDonald’s employee can lose his job if he calls for support for Palestine on social media. The same applies to Burger King, Domino’s Pizza, Papa John’s, Pizza Hut and other companies that have been sending food supplies to Israel since October 7.

6.- The global beverage giant Coca-Cola was the gold sponsor of the Israeli-American Chamber of Commerce in the years 2003, 2004, 2007 and 2009. The Israel-American Chamber of Commerce gave an award to Moshe Wertheim, the Jewish president of Coca-Cola Israel, for his support of Coca-Cola. Wertheim was known as a legendary Mossad agent. _The largest shareholder in Coca-Cola, which has a multi-shareholder structure, is Berkshire Hathaway, owned by the famous American Jew Warren Buffett, with a stake of 9.25%. – In 2015, the Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL) announced that “Coca-Cola has guaranteed that it will not agree to a boycott against Israel.” Coca-Cola Israel also donated to the Zionist group Im Terzo, and the group tried to hide this donation. Nike, one of the companies that provides unconditional support to Israel, made large donations and supplied clothing to the Israeli army. _ Puma is the main sponsor of the Israeli Football Association (IFA). Puma’s current and previous exclusive licensees in Israel operate in illegal Israeli settlements. Amazon and Google also developed Project NIMBUS for the Israeli military to spy on Palestinians for $1.2 billion in 2018. NIMBUS, a more advanced version of Google Earth, tracks Palestinians in and transmits information to the Israeli military. _ Project Nimbus, which was used in the May 2021 war, when Israel attacked Gaza again and 250 Gazans were martyred, was protested by hundreds of people working for the two companies. Amazon and Google also support illegal data collection in Israel and illegal database expansion. Amazon, Meta and Google have offices in Israel and employ thousands of people, some of whom are called up as reservists to fight in the Israel Defense Forces. On the other hand, the US-based real estate company Remax markets and sells properties in illegal Israeli settlements built on Palestinian lands. It allows Israel to colonize the West Bank. Companies such as Airbnb (USA), http://Booking.com (Netherlands) and Expedia (USA) also offer rental services in illegal Israeli settlements built on occupied Palestinian territories. _ Chanel, whose Jewish owner, Alan Wertheimer, is one of the leading luxury fashion and cosmetics brands, defines Hamas as a “terrorist organization.” The Wertheimer family is one of the richest Jewish families in the world. In the wake of the recent massacres committed by Israel, Chanel donated $4 million to Israel « to ensure the safety of all Chanel employees in Israel and to provide humanitarian aid. »

7.- “HP is also considered one of the most prominent technology companies that finance Israel. HP supplies computers to the Israeli army and maintains data centers through its servers for the Israeli police. HP also provides the Itanium servers necessary to run the Aviv system, which is the computerized database of the Israeli Population and Immigration Authority This system constitutes the backbone of Israeli apartheid practices. – Siemens Company undertook the construction of the electrical interconnection project between Europe and Asia, which is an undersea cable that would connect the Israeli electricity network to the European network. – Carrefour Company donated thousands of aid packages to the Israeli occupation army in previous years, most recently During the massacres that have continued since October 7. On March 8, 2022, Carrefour also concluded a new franchise agreement in Israel with Electra Consumer Products and its subsidiary Yenot Bitan, both of which are active in illegal Israeli settlements._ Such as German-based companies such as Adidas, and Allianz , Audi, Bayer, Bosch, Hugo Boss, Metro, Volkswagen, and Zalando announced their support for Israel after October 7. _The French-based multinational insurance company AXA currently owns shares in two Israeli banks (Bank Leumi and Israel Discount Bank). These banks invest in companies operating in illegal Israeli settlements and also contribute to the economic development of these settlements. _ AXA Equitable Holding, a subsidiary of AXA, owns shares in Elbit Systems, a defense electronics company based in Israel. This company produces cluster and phosphorus bombs, banned under international law. The company also provides support to Israel through the production of drones. These mentioned companies and other large companies associated with them do not only operate in the field they focus on, but also interfere in the content of the social, economic, and even health policies of countries. These companies are major components of prominent organizations such as the World Economic Forum and the Council on Foreign Relations. The majority of branded products in any grocery store contain brand names such as Nestle, Kraft, PepsiCo, and Danone. Moreover, many products sold under the “natural” or “organic” label actually enter the market as subsidiaries of the companies in question. Nestlé is known as the company with the largest market share in the processed food industry. The company’s former CEO, Peter Brabeck-Leitmath, who is said to be Jewish, is chairman of the World Economic Forum’s board of trustees. Ulf Mark Schneider, who became Chairman of Nestlé after Leitmathe, was also appointed to the Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum shortly after taking office.

8.- Mondelez International, formerly known as Kraft, is one of the giant food companies in the world.  » In 2019, Mondelez International signed a collaboration agreement with The Kitchen, an Israeli food tech-focused incubator owned by the Strauss Group. This collaboration is led by Mondelez’s R&D and SnackFutures teams. This collaboration has given Mondelez access to the food tech ecosystem in Israel, while Mondelez provided technological and business know-how to the entrepreneurs in The Kitchen.” Imagine Philip Morris, the world’s largest cigarette manufacturer named after its Jewish founder, is a subsidiary of Mondelez. In July 2023, Philip Morris decided to acquire Israeli cannabis technology company Syqe Medical in a deal worth up to $650 million. This deal will make the company one of the most valuable cannabis companies in the world. _ Danone is a French-based company that was founded by Ishak Carasso, an Ottoman Jew. Danone owns a 20% stake in Strauss Group, the second largest food company in Israel. _PepsiCo, one of the largest food and beverage companies in the world; Pepsi Cola, Lipton, Quaker Oats, Frito-Lay have different brands. There are people of Jewish origin on PepsiCo’s board of directors and among its senior executives. PepsiCo, which has significant investments in Israel, makes regular donations to Jewish institutions and organizations. Strauss International Food Company also entered into an agreement with PepsiCo more than 20 years ago, and the partnership, which began in 1990 with the establishment of a facility to produce salty snacks in Sderot, Israel, continues under the umbrella of PepsiCo Frito-Lay. The two companies own 50% of Strauss Frito Lay. Restaurant chains such as Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, KFC and Hot’n Now fall under the umbrella of PepsiCo’s subsidiary YUM, and each has agreements with Israel that remain in place. It is estimated that Nestlé, Kraft and PepsiCo control approximately 50% of the processed food industry and the remaining 50% of the industry is dominated by brands based in the US and UK such as Coca-Cola, Associated British Foods, Kellogg’s, Danone and General Mills. , Unilever, and Mars.

9.- “The three companies that are said to actually rule the world in secret, State Street” Vangguard BlackRock “It is known in today’s capitalist ownership system that the owners of many giant brands are invisible funds and not individuals. The owners of the funds of the richest companies in the world are the following three companies: State Street, Vanguard, and BlackRock. _ In 2021, Vanguard owned $8.1 trillion, BlackRock owned $10 trillion, and State Street owned $4.2 trillion. “Imagine the giant Google and its subsidiaries, whose founder Larry Page owns 5.7%. and Sergey Brin’s 5.5%. . While the entire company is affiliated with Alphabet Inc. . Can you believe that 68% of the shares of Alphabet that owns Google are owned by BlackRock, Vanduard, and State Street? _ Also, 70% of Microsoft Group shares are owned by these three companies, not Bill Gates. The same applies to Apple, which is Microsoft’s biggest competitor. . In short, these three companies control the largest technology companies. . The same is true for PepsiCo and Coca-Cola. Because the shareholders of the two companies are only the three companies mentioned. BlackRock, Vanduard, and State Street own the largest brands across all industries, creating ongoing connection and wealth between companies. For example, apparel companies such as Nike and Levi’s, which are operated by these three companies, purchase fabric from TJX Companies, of which the same three companies are the largest shareholders. Even the second, third and fourth largest textile companies are growing with the contribution of at least one of these three companies. _The textile company Monsanto, which produced 90% of the world’s cotton, belongs to these three companies. _Bayer, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, belongs to the triumvirate.
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10.- The triad companies also control 90% of all American media. _ These three companies also control the two main platforms that dominate digital media, Netflix and AmazonPrime. _ These companies also contribute to social media companies such as META. _ These three companies are also considered the real owners of Morgan Bank, which owns international banks. _ This large trio also controls the media groups, which undertake the profession of training journalists to work in the media. For example, although the European Journalism Center is a non-profit organization that aims to train journalists in Europe, it is funded by companies and institutions such as The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Open Society Foundations, Facebook, and Google. . . “Despite this tripartite gang’s control of the largest international companies, this gang claims that it “does not own the companies it controls, but rather simply manages these shares on behalf of its clients.” However, these three major companies have their own voting rights in the companies they own. These three companies work together in corporate voting processes and vote in the same direction. In other words, BlackRock, Fundward, and State Street are the largest shareholders in 88% of the 500 largest companies in America; they have a real role in the management of global companies and control the companies In line with its own interests… Finally, we come to the owners of these three companies, or the tripartite gang. _ The founder and CEO of BlackRock, is Larry Frank, who is a Jewish personality. _ The founder of Vanguard Group, John C. Bogle, is one of the 100 most powerful people in the world, a well-known personality. From the Jewish lobby. As for the State Street Company, its foundation was laid by the Jew Kaspii Cohen in 1914. Of course, the Jewish power and influence behind these three giant companies is not limited to these companies only. There are Jewish families who own very large capital in the United States. United States and the world. _ These Jewish families, directly or indirectly, own stock contributions in almost all major companies in the world. These Jewish families enjoy wide influence in all fields, from media to politics, and from economics to diplomacy. In the global economic and financial system, money is not always in the hands of certain individuals and institutions. In particular, financial investments are carried out through various intermediaries and shell companies. Hide this Families are the fact that they stand behind large financing companies through intermediary companies using various commercial and legal loopholes.


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