In January 2020, IAI/GMF Fellow Dario Cristiani met in Tunis with the secretary-general of the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU), Taieb Baccouche, a long-serving academic, politician, and human rights activist from Tunisia. They discussed the conflict in Libya, NATO’s role in the Mediterranean, and the future of the AMU. As minister of foreign affairs in 2015-2016, Baccouche helped keep Tunisia on its feet after the terrorist attacks in Bardo, Sousse, and Tunis. Since he became AMU secretary-general in 2016, he has worked to promote a greater integration between Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, and Tunisia. The AMU is also one of the very few political actors regularly talking and mediating among all sides at a local level in the conflict in Libya, an element often forgotten in the West. This interview was conducted a few days before the Berlin conference on Libya.
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Tags : Maghreb, AMU, Taieb Baccouche,
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