Maroc: La DGED place un pion dans un important think tank américain

Ahmed Charai, membre du Conseil d’Administration du think-tank International Crisis Group

Le think-tank International Crisis Group a annoncé lundi la nomination de quatre nouveaux membres à son conseil d’administration. Il s’agit de :

– Gérard Araud, ancien Ambassadeur de France aux Etats-Unis. Celui qui a décrit le Maroc comme «maîtresse avec laquelle on dort toutes les nuits, dont on n’est pas particulièrement amoureux mais qu’on doit défendre»,

– Ahmed Charai, président de Maroc Telematique et éditeur de l’hebdomadaire marocain L’Observateur du Maroc,

– Susana Malcorra, ancienne ministre des Affaires étrangères d’Argentine et chef de cabinet du SG des Nations Unies jusqu’à 2015, et

– Meghan O’Sullivan, ancienne vice-conseiller américaine pour la sécurité nationale en Irak et Afghanistan.

Selon le communiqué de cet organisme, « le Conseil d’administration est maintenant composé de 47 membres provenant de 31 pays ».

« Les nouveaux membres se joignent à un conseil d’administration déjà diversifié à un moment critique « , a déclaré Lord Malloch-Brown, président du conseil d’administration. « Dans un contexte d’aggravation des conflits et de tensions géopolitiques croissantes, le Conseil d’administration renforcé contribuera à maintenir Crisis Group en bonne position dans sa quête pour mettre fin aux guerres et plaider pour la paix », a-t-il ajouté.

Ahmed Charai est déjà membre des organismes suivants :

Conseil d’Adminitration d’Atlantic Council

Conseil Editorial Consultatif de « The National Interest’s Magazine » à Washington.

– Mr Charai est aussi membre du conseil Consultatif de Gatestone Institute à New York. Mr Charai, mais il figure dns leur liste en tant que « auteur ».

Membre du Conseil d’Administration du « The Foreign Policy Research Institute » à Philadelphia.

Depuis les révélations du hacker Chris Coleman sur les relations d’Ahmed Charai avec la DGED (services secrets du Maroc), ce dernier ne fait plus partie des conseillers de Search for Common Ground, une organisation qui a été engagé par l’ancien représentant de l’ONU pour le Sahara Occidental, Christopher Ross. Grâce à ses relations avec l’une de ses employés de cette organisations, Sonia Reines Djivanides, Ahmed Charai recevait un compte-rendu détaillé des réunions de l’émissaire onusien avec SFCG.

Ahmed Charai ne fait plus partie aussi du Conseil d’Administration du « Center for Strategic and International Studies » à Washington. Son directeur John Hamre, a visité le Maroc et parle dans ses mails d’un incident entre son épouse et l’ambassadeur du Maroc à Washington à l’époque, Aziz Mekouar ainsi que d’un conflit entre ce dernier et Charai.

Les publications de Charai ont été supprimées du site de l’organisation. Voici le mail sur cet incident :

Pour Sdi Yassine

—– Mail transféré —–

De : John Hamre <></>

À : Ahmed charai <></>

Envoyé le : Mardi 29 Novembre 2011 12h00

Objet : RE: Tr : draft Charaii note for your consideration

Dear Ahmed:

I had no idea how rudely he treated your wife. I felt so sorry for her anyway, and never knew about this. It is so shocking to me. I wish I had known. I would have had her live with Julie and me. At least I could assure her of a comfortable, safe and reassuring setting. I am angry to read this.

I can assure you Mekouar will never be invited to another event at CSIS!

I will call you this weekend, if you will permit me. It would help my troubled soul to hear your voice.


From: Ahmed charai []

Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 4:51 AM

To: John Hamre

Subject: Tr : draft Charaii note for your consideration

Dear John,

I am deeply grateful for your kind words and I am very proud to have you as a friend and partner. Haim has certainly explained to you why I’m very embarrased about the affiliation of Mekouar, to CSIS. Because the comportment of Mekouar, especially with my wife, was incomprehensible and especially loose. when he said to my wife: « In United States, you have to pay for the fault you commit ». A very harsh words that may have serious consequences on the health of my wife, she was hospitalized for 24 hours in emergencies. And there are many examples I can share with you to show how he worked in order to complicated my case in DC…

Really I do’nt understand this hatred, if not a blind jealousy … BUT my position here in Morocco and in USA was reinforced and I’m now working on a very big project of creation of many media project.

I’m really sorry to embarrass you by this kind of things, but you are a friend and I find normal to share honestly with you all my feelings.

Please to call me, if you want, in any time to my cell phone: 011212661061413

Warm regards


De : John Hamre <></>

À : Ahmed charai <></>

Envoyé le : Lundi 28 Novembre 2011 19h59

Objet : FW: draft Charaii note for your consideration

Dear Ahmed:

I hope you and your family are well. Haim is just back from Morocco, and he told me how generously you hosted him and how much he got out of the visit. Seeing Morocco’s historic elections were a real thrill for him, and I am personally grateful to you that you made it possible for Haim to witness them personally. I still tell people how much I learned on my own trip in March, and how impressed I was with the broad range of people you introduced us to.

I also discussed with Haim the difficulties you had on your last visit to Washington, and I learned from him many details I hadn’t known before. Quite honestly, I was shocked. I thought it was odd that the embassy hadn’t been more helpful, but many of the things Haim relayed were deeply disturbing to me.

The important thing is this: I think of you as an honest, and a decent man who was badly wronged. I only knew about the wrongs our judicial system imposed on you, which was humiliating to you and to me. Now I learn that there were additional injustices you endured, and that angers me. I want you to know how much we value your friendship and your affiliation with CSIS. I will make sure that nothing comes between us, and I look forward to many years of fruitful cooperation. We will make this right.

With best wishes,


Source: Maroc Leaks

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