MoroccoLeaks: Morocco brags about foiling WesternSahara peace process

In a paper titled “the efforts advanced by the Moroccan diplomacy in the framework of expanding the circle of support to our national cause”, the Moroccan directorate at the United Nations brags about the success of the Moroccan diplomacy in foiling the peace process in its occupied Western Sahara.

The above paper in Arabic reads “it (Morocco) has succeeded in foiling the peace plan and the Baker II plan that are based on the philosophy of the referendum with the option of independence”

This confidential statement that was part of a global assessment of the Moroccan diplomatic efforts to garner support to what they consider the “Moroccan Sahara” leaves no doubt about the true approach of Morocco towards the UN peace process that is based on organizing a referendum that guarantees the self determination of the people of occupied Western Sahara.

This document is, thus, a strong proof that it is Morocco that hampers the organization of such a plebiscite and that all the alibis subsequently brought by its media fanfares to justify the impossibility of holding a referendum is no more than a mere propaganda.

Clearly enough, this document  demonstrates Morocco’s intransigence against the international community and  explains its aggressive behavior towards Christopher Ross, the current UN envoy to Western Sahara, who sticks to the international legality and the core task of the MINURSO, the UN peace mission for the referendum in occupied Western Sahara.

It is worth noting that the above document is among the mass leaked cables of the mysterious whistleblower Chris Coleman. The cables that were subsequently authentified by experts.


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