Anders Kompass, director of field operations at the UN human rights office in Geneva is gone back to his country where he was received with full honors. Since then, he is considered by the whole world as a hero who sacrificed his job and his career to defend the UN ethics, while it is more than proven that he betrayed the ideal of the institution for which he worked for over 30 years.
Documents whose authenticity leaves no doubt show that Kompass has failed in its duty to defend human rights in Western Sahara. Worse, he has done everything to enable Morocco to continue to violate human rights in the former Spanish colony.
The man who has just left the Geneva offices is anything but a hero. After the revelations about him, he is nothing more but a coward and a man who betrayed the ideal for which was founded this great institution where he worked.
For occult and mysterious reasons, Kompass transmitted to the Moroccan ambassador in Geneva sensitive and confidential information relating to one of the oldest disputes that the UN is trying to resolve for over than 24 years. Worse, he arrived to undermine UN efforts directed to the protection of human rights in the Western Sahara territory.
As the moroccan police batons fall down on Sahrawi women in Western Sahara, Kompass applied to praise an alleged Moroccan progress regarding human rights and democracy. Why? A question only he can answer. And the question that the Sahrawis are asking is: Why the UN silence on this truth?
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