La nouvelle apparaît d’abord dans un des nombreux sites créés par la DGED sous différentes couvertures. Le site African News Agency, en l’occurrence. Ensuite, Mourad El Ghoul envoie le lien de l’article en question à Ahmed Charai ainsi que le lien d’une vidéo diffusée sur Aljazeera dans laquelle un lybien payé par le Maroc accuse l’Algérie de soutenir Kadhafi avec des combattants sahraouis.
Voici le texte de la dépêche du site mentionné:
Polisario guerrillas among Gaddafi’s mercenaries
[Published: Friday February 25 2011]
London, 25 Feb. – (ANA) – Some of the mercenaries used by the Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi, to butcher protesters were part of the Polisario Front’s 10,000 strong guerrillas that the Libyan leader nurtured and armed for the last 35 years, according to reliable sources close to the Libyan opposition in London who are in constant contact with protesters in Libya.
The Algerian and Libyan-backed Polisario Front has been fighting for the independence of Western Sahara and they are base in Tindouf, south-west Algeria.
The rest of Gaddafi’s mercenaries came from the Sahel region including Mali, Niger and Chad. These were illegal immigrants who were recruited by Gaddafi to form a special armed unit loyal to him and dependent on his largesse for their livelihood.
Gaddafi has been a long time ally and benefactor of the Polisario Front whose political wing, the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, was recognised by Gaddafi and benefits from Gaddafi’s arms, training and financial assistance.
Witnesses have described the brutal tactics in the crackdown by Gaddafi’s mercenaries who launched fierce counter-attacks as the Libyan uprising edged closer to the capital.
In a desperate move, Gaddafi attempted to bribe the locals with cash hand-outs and told them that Libya was under the spell of the evil eye. He also blamed the uprising on the Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and teenagers on hallucinogenic drugs. (ANA)AB/African News Agency/ 25 February 2010
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