De : David Harris
Pour : Mbarka Bouaida
We learned on Wednesday that UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will, in fact, travel to Tehran for the Non-Aligned Movement summit, despite the appeals of the U.S. and Israeli governments and many others.
But AJC and our supporters did not sit idly by: We made our voices heard. Together, we sent several thousand letters over the course of just three days urging the Secretary-General not to go. Your letters resonated in Washington and other world capitals. And we were in The New York Times, on Voice of America, and in the blogosphere.
While the outcome is a disappointment, it only strengthens our resolve to amplify our message, to reach even more decision-makers and opinion-makers, and to make our case even more effectively.
We now have the momentum needed to ramp up our ongoing efforts to expose the true nature of the Iranian regime.
We need your support to help us expand our global advocacy campaign to stand up to the Iranian regime and its proxies.
Please help AJC by making a contribution now!
With your help, AJC will strengthen the campaign — in the United States and around the world — to highlight Tehran’s defiance of the UN Security Council and the International Atomic Energy Agency; its sponsorship of terrorism worldwide; its denial of the Holocaust, its support of the barbaric Syrian regime; and its threats to annihilate — yes, annihilate — Israel.
In the coming weeks, AJC will meet with dozens of world leaders arriving in New York City for the opening of the UN General Assembly, as part of our year-round diplomatic efforts.
We will continue to raise our voices, naming and shaming those diplomats and nations that give aid and comfort to Iran. We will know who stands up and walks out on Ahmadinejad when he speaks at the UN, and who does not. We will be calling for moral clarity, not political expediency.
We need your help to continue our unparalleled global diplomatic, media and other efforts to highlight Iran’s threats to world peace.
Global issues require a global response. AJC, the global Jewish advocacy organization, makes your voice heard worldwide. Together, we can — indeed, must — make the world a safer place for the values we cherish.
The stakes couldn’t be higher for all of us. Please help.
David Harris
AJC Executive Director
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