The Saharawi Tea Ceremony
“Salam Aliukum,” she said
With a smile as she greeted her guests
She got up to reach for her tea set
Offering the warmest of hospitality
As she sat to get the tea ready
Her warmness filled the room
With her colorful Melfaha and hands dipped in henna
She is the leader of them all
The beauty of beauty
She represents the strength of every Saharawi woman
She is the mother of the nation who’s history
She has engraved in her heart
As she got ready for the sacred tea ceremony
She turned to her guests with the following question; “Do you know the meaning of each round of tea?”
They responded, “No, but please enlighten us with your wisdom.”
She took the first small glass and filled it with black tea leaves, and then responded with seriousness, “The first round is bitter like life. When that bitterness hits us we must search for courage and strength, so we can overcome each obstacle with grace.”
Then she took the second glass and filled it with sugar. With a smile she then explained with the following; “The second round is sweet like love. Remember love can come in every form and shape, so that we can love and be loved.”
Lastly, she took the third one and filled it with foam and tea. Then with a calm voice she said, “The third is soft like death. Remember, my dears, life is short, make sure to live it to the fullest.”
That how she began the long hours of the Saharawi tea ceremony.
I was walking through the streets of Tindouf
Lost, looking for my uncle’s house
When, I was stopped by a young Algerian boy
“Bent Bladi, Why are you crying?”
“I am lost,” I responded
“Ah, inti Saharawiya?”
“How did you know?” I asked
“Your Arabic accent, who are you looking for?”
“My uncle’s house”
I gave him my family name, and then he smiled at me
He took my hand, and walked me through the chaos of the streets and shops
Then knocked at a familiar house, my uncle then answered, “Thanks God we found you”
“By the way, my name is Ahmed; your cousin is my best friend”
I smiled at him and exchanged my name. A week passed by and I didn’t see Ahmed
Then one morning as I was playing outside with my cousin, he appeared to share his favorite Algerian sweets. A visit became two visits, and by the third visit we had become friends. Then summer came and I decided that Tindouf was a good place to spend the summer. That summer, Ahmed and I were inseparable. We would tell stories to each other and exchange different words in our different dialects.
Summer ended, and I had to go back to the refugee camps. He stayed behind. As the car was driving away, Ahmed stood there waving, tears in his eyes. I kept looking, until I lost him from my sight.
A week passed by. Then a month, then years passed by and we lost contact, until an unexpected visitor came to the camps looking for me. He said “Hi, I am Ahmed.” I was happy to see him so changed and grown up, we talked for hours until dawn. The next morning he had to go back to the city, one meeting ended in a lifetime friendship.
Note: Tindouf is located in southern Algeria as well as the Saharawi refugee camps.
The Daughter of the Desert
I am the daughter of the desert
I was born in the heart of
Sahara in Algeria
Sahara in Algeria
Simplicity is my expertise
Humility is my garment
Kindness is my best friend
Beauty and strength is the right hand of my mother
The warmest of hospitality is the corner stone of our house
I am the daughter of the desert
The legend of my ancestors trace back to Western Sahara
Speak Life to Western Sahara in Bullets
· Western Sahara is the forbidden land; yet, the warmness of her people stole my heart.
· My people, my people hold tide, surely justice will prevail.
· Morocco might deny my Saharawi existence, yet it can’t erase my history or the fact that Western Sahara’s name is engraved in the deepest part of my soul.
· I long for the deepest conversation under the moon and stars in the dunes of Tindouf.
· I long for a place to belong, a home to call home, a country to write its name in the palm of my hands, a flag to wave, an anthem to proudly sing, and an independence day to celebrate. But overall, I long for my beloved land, Western Sahara.
· I’m Saharawi; I walk barefoot with a naked soul and a transparent heart.
· We all wish to see Western Sahara, because it is the only land for which we were are willing to fight.
· Let’s spend the summer in Western Sahara.
· I dream of walking on the beach of Layooun in the mornings and the afternoon, or to drink tea while watching its sunset.
· I look for the familiar taste and smell in every corner of the globe, so I can find my loved one in them. I have failed massively and have I realized that Tindouf is the only place where I can find them both their aroma and love.
· I can’t stand to hear a Moroccan call me another Moroccan like him or her, because I take great pride in who I am, a simple Saharawi.
· Run little Saharawi princess, because you deserve the freedom to smile and dance so that all your sorrows will fade way. Speak and let everything out so you can find your voice and become the strongest of women. Be free, be you.
· Saharawi women, the pride of Western Sahara and the bridge of liberty.
· I am Saharawi, born in a land that is not mine, but every night Western Sahara land whispers my name.
Agaila Abba is a writer and poet specializing
in North African and Middle Eastern affairs.
She is also the editor of Aloha Arabia blog.
Find her tweeting @Agailita
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