Sahara Occidental: Primer informe sobre compras de fosfato obtenido por Marruecos en territorios ocupados de los saharauis señala responsabilidad de tres empresas latinoamericanas

La principal fuente de ingresos de Marruecos se deriva de la extracción de fosfatos localizados en los territorios ocupados de Sahara Occidental, según denuncia del Observatorio de Recursos de Sahara Occidental (Western Sahara Resource Watch). 
El informe señala a diez empresas que compran ese fosfato, al tiempo que dice que otras más ya han suspendido todo tipo de compras a Marruecos del fosfato saharaui. 
El Centro de Información sobre Empresas y Derechos Humanos invitó a las empresas a responder. Se recibieron respuestas (en inglés) de las empresas Agrium Canada,Incitec-Pivot, Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan, mientras que Lifosa, Innophos, ISUSA, Pequiven (propietaria de Monómeros Colombo-Venezolanos) y Tripoliven no respondieron. Indicaremos si Ballance Agri-Nutrients & Ravensdown respondieron o no.

Agrium Canada response

Author: Agrium, (Canada)

We feel it is also important to clarify that Agrium does not take a political position on issues related to disputed territorial claims. Rather, Agrium looks to guidance from the Canadian and US governments before entering into any agreement which may be related to the relevant territory. In addition, Agrium has sought and received legal advice to ensure that our position is in compliance with international, Canadian and US law in respect of the importation of phosphate rock from this region. In sum, Agrium’s agreement with OCP complies with the respective trade and custom laws of these jurisdictions.

Incitec Pivot response

Incitec Pivot Limited (IPL) operates four fertiliser plants in Australia…Phosphate from Western Sahara has been a matter under active consideration by IPL for several years. The matter has been discussed at Annual General Meetings over the past decade and raised in IPL Sustainability Reports including the 2013 Report…IPL representatives meet periodically with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade…IPL representatives have met regularly with the AWSA, most recently in June. We have also met with a Polasario representative in Australia and a representative of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (most recently in May this year)…PL representatives are in contact with OCP and have met with diplomatic representatives of the Kingdom of Morocco…IPL has regard to both Australian law and International law and remains satisfied it is not in breach of Australian law nor International law. The Australian Government has not prohibited the importation of phosphate rock from the Non Self Governing Territory of Western Sahara…

PotashCorp of Saskatchewan Responded

Author: PotashCorp of Saskatchewan, Canada

Thank you for the opportunity to respond. We are mindful of the concerns raised regarding the sourcing of phosphate rock from the Boucraa region in the Western Sahara. PotashCorp remains committed to ensuring that all our suppliers comply with international law and labor practices, as well as the high ethical standards that are defined in our Code of Conduct.
While the long-term governance of Western Sahara is a complex and emotive issue, we have been rigorous in our evaluation of our supplier’s (OCP’s) activities. Based on a number of assessments – including comprehensive reviews, analyses and visits – we believe that OCP’s operations and investments in the region have and continue to provide substantial economic and social benefits to the Saharawi people.
We are committed to open and transparent communications and have published our findings (including an update last month) on our website. We would direct you to the due diligence conducted [report attached]

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