• English

    Reflection on Morocco’s strategy towards Africa

    Tags: Morocco, African Union, Africa, Western Sahara, lobbying, corruption, Note for the attention of the Minister Subject: Reflection on Morocco’s strategy towards Africa Morocco has always maintained deep and secular relations with its neighbors in
  • English

    Prospective Note on Relations with Africa

    Tags : Morocco, African Union, Western Union, corruption, bribes, Relations with Africa are a priority in our country’s foreign policy. Over the past months, our country has managed to position itself as an important player
  • Monde

    Qui vote pour l’extrême droite en Europe ?

    Etiquettes : Union Européenne, Parlement Européen, élections, extrême droite, Rassemblement National, Marine Le Pen, Les craintes liées à la migration ont alimenté une montée des populismes de droite, mais la migration à elle seule ne